Serve/Worship By Spirit

"Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh--..."
"For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit,...." Many of our translations use the word "worship" instead of "serve" in this passage. The reason -- the word in Greek is the common one for service and it is sometimes translated "worship" when the text seems to call for that rendering. Let's look at it both ways. I find when a word can be used several directions, it is best to examine the meaning in all those differing dimensions. It is, in translation, here not so much a matter of right and wrong, but a matter of emphasis.

Paul is making certain the Philippian Christians, who are mainly gentiles (from various ethnic backgrounds) understand they do not need to adopt the Jewish customs or law in order to be true Christians. So he explains they are the true circumcision (that of heart - covered in previous post) who  have several characteristics in their lives. The first one is that their motivations for service and worship are empowered by their relationship with Jesus by the Holy Spirit (Spirit of God). In other words, their entire lives are marked by listening to the Lord and interacting with Him in all aspects of their lives. They serve out of appointment - not want to, nor talent, nor ability, but out of calling. They hear and they move. They listen and share in the Lord moment by moment and then respond in their service.

The same is true of their worship, for their service is a part of that worship. (I refer you to various translations of Romans 12:1). However, for a few moments let's look at an aspect of corporate worship that can sometimes stumble us. This is not speaking to style. I love the worship of Pentecost! I fully engage and find it liberating. However, such expression, in and of itself, is not worship. Worship is a matter of the heart and the mind loving and bowing before the Lord God. It is not about how that is expressed. Just because my expression is active does not mean I am truly worshiping. Movement nor the lack of it, is worship. Worship happens from the heart and mind that chooses to bless and bow.

Also, worship does not need music. It is nice to have music to accompany us as we worship, but true worship happens everywhere and at all times for the believer and is not limited to a corporate setting, nor a certain portion of a corporate setting. It is not a feeling - although feelings may become engaged. It is to purposefully bless, bow, honor, adore and much, much more.

So to serve and to worship by the Spirit is to be fully engaged in an interactive communication in and with the Lord. It does not start nor stop. This is such freedom in relationship. He honors every intention His direction. Enjoy serving and worshiping Him today - every moment. That, I know, is a learning process - but so worth our time and focus.

Coming: Tomorrow I plan to write the post in the morning. Then I travel to Lima, NY for the 2012 Leadership Conference for Elim Fellowship. I plan to "blog" the conference so you can share some highlights of it with me. Then we will return to our study of Philippians. So travel with me and let's enjoy the Lord through the Conference.


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