Not Forgottten . . .
Above is one of the "busy" reasons. It is our Psalm 19 Ministries' Bible Learning Center "before" pictures. Actually we had accomplished a lot when this photo was taken. Now we have that wall down and others up, carpet removed, and we are ready to put wall board up. All this in the middle of a busy ministry season. I have such an appreciation for our volunteers who work endless hours to make things work for me and all at Psalm 19.
I drive (with several other ladies) to Canada this coming Friday for ministry both Saturday and Sunday. (Lauren is leading worship and I am teaching), then we return home on Sun. Evening. We appreciate your prayers as we travel and minister -- as you think of us. We will be at the Joshua Center in Hamilton, Ont. Ca.
Thank you for reading and for caring -- I have not forgotten and will be back -- soon!