Making Awesome Progress

I am posting a picture I took some time ago of an office in our new facility. Much, much progress continues to be made but a lot of it (most of it) has been "hidden" work. It is much like our Christian lives, most of the work doesn't show at first. We pray and study the Word and the Lord begins to change the outward things in us after the adjustment has been made inside. So it has been with the facility. At first there was a lot of visual change. Then came the time that things underneath had to be done like the electricity, the plumbing, the tile laid, bathroom re-done into a handicap accessible one, and on and on. I will have some really good pictures up soon, because soon, and very soon, most will be finished and the inspections completed. We still plan to have our Friday Fellowship here on February 8. Stay tuned for our progress reports.

It has been a joy to see the outpouring of love, support (both financial and personal) we have received as we have progressed. Many, many have come and helped. Many, many have supplied expertise and wisdom from the Lord. The facility has been covered in prayer, love and Holy Spirit presence. When those working, work in love for their Lord Jesus, instilling His love in every coat of paint, every floor tile, every ceiling tile, the hanging behind the platform created by gifted hands in love for Him -- more and more and more -- all in love for the Savior, so much that my soul is literally engulfed with His love and care. I know you join us in praise and thanksgiving for such generosity of God's people. He continues to pour and we are so grateful.

More is needed, more will come. It is just His way. When the Lord told Abram to leave Ur and go to a land that He would show him, Abram was not told where the land was or what to take for his journey. The Lord wanted to show Himself strong so He led Abram in a new way.

So He has with all of us in Psalm 19. We have not been this way before, and we are watching as our Lord unfolds what is next in this journey of renting our office and meeting place. It may sound like a small matter, and we may have thought it was, but it has unfolded as an awesome journey of much love and labor. The facility is developing into a thing of comfort and beauty for our meetings and classes. If you live in our area, we pray you will come soon and be a part of a function -- and enjoy with us.


Good, good, good!

Thanks for your encouraging comment over at my place. I admit, it is scary, and I wonder if I did the right thing...but I am watching God work in the hearts of the congregation in a way that has not happened in a long time.
I think that they expect that if they all repent God will give them back to me, and vice versa. I'm not saying that couldn't happen, but I don't expect it.

Sigh. God is on the throne!

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