The Second session in our recent conference was taught by my daughter, Lauren. Lauren is a very fine Bible teacher and continues to amaze me as she grows in our Lord Jesus. She is in full-time ministry and working on credentials through her denomination. Our theme (as state below) was "I Have Come to Bring Life..."and we spent our time discovering what kind of life the Lord Jesus has brought to us. She worked the theme: He has brought us a life of Zeal. It was wonderfully done, and I have asked her to write a summary for us. When I get that, I will share it with you. In the meantime, below is another summary of my 2nd session.
There are (were) two primary scriptures worked. The first is Matthew 6:17 where Jesus tells Peter, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven." As I have studied this passage the ramifications of its truth have been astounding to me. Even though Peter had walked with the Lord for almost 3 years, yet he had not understood that Jesus was the Messiah of God until the Father supernaturally revealed that fact to him. This is awesome. It means we believe because of a supernatural insight that Jesus is who He says He is. All the preaching and teaching in the world by me or anyone else will not reveal what needs to be revealed in the heart unless the Holy Spirit uses that preaching/teaching to illuminate another heart. We walk in a supernatural way. To teach the Word is to enter the realm of the supernatural and to interrelate with the Holy Spirit in such a way that the truths of God can be perceived through the Holy Spirit in the heart and mind of another person.
We have argued in the church over what is the "rock" that Jesus builds His church upon. Most of us in a Protestant expression believe that "rock" is the confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God! I believe this is true. However, I believe we have missed a part of that confession. If the confession is not the result of a Holy Spirit revelation in the heart of an individual, then we do not have a Christian. Oh we may well have someone who doesn't want hell to be eternity, or some other reason, but if the conversion is a matter of reason and logic, we probably have someone who will quickly fall away from the central issues. To truly have a believer, we must have the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
Along with this, in Ephesians 1:17, Paul begins a pray for the people asking "... that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better." After enumerating many spiritual blessings that we have automatically in the Lord Jesus, he then prays for them to have a special relationship with the Holy Spirit so they can receive wisdom and revelation (beyond what he has written), so they can know the Father better. I am stunned. It is the Holy Spirit through the Word who will instruct our hearts in the nature and focus of the Father. It is really a supernatural occurrence to know Him and then to know Him better.
We have been birthed (again) supernaturally, and the only way we grow in Him is supernaturally -- all through the agency and work of the Holy Spirit. Lord help us allow you to illuminate your own Word so we may truly see and know you more and more!