Rest, cont...

"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him:
fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way,
because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath:
fret not thyself in any wise to do evil."
Psalm 35:7-9 KJV

The concept of "rest" is still upon us this week. As I wrote in my journal with the Lord Jesus this morning, I felt Him instructing me about the above scripture (for those who follow my reading plan - it is today's Psalm). The rest and peace that He gives are not based on our activity or lack of it. There are times when we need to just be still before Him and receive refreshment from the flowing river of His grace, mercy and love, but the rest above is not that kind. Instead it is a rest that has great energy and forward motion. It is a rest that abides, no matter what the activity of the day, and it is a rest that refreshes in the Spirit in the middle of turmoil. When we enter this rest, we have great movement and creative ability in the Holy Spirit, and anything that He calls for us to do will refresh us inwardly. This is not activity born in effort, although much effort may be expended in its process. It is a placement of deep rest in the Lord and His Word. Such effort will tire the body as the movement is made, but will not injure. It will be an effort of power and energy. 

The movement may be as simple as cleaning house or the garage, or as deeply spiritual as teaching a class, moving in the prophetic or another spiritual gift. The movement is not the point - the rest is. Another word for "rest" like this is faith. Faith's interior action is rest - regardless. Anxiousness and fear are never faith induced - but distressed generated. 

So how do we enter such rest? Purposefully. Just do it - really believe in the love His has for you and that He will be true to His word for you and yours. In Him, this is an activity that is Spirit empowered and available to every believer. He will do it - we can trust Him! 


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