We Need to Think!

We, as believers in Christ, need to begin thinking Biblically. In today's world, that is "outside the box" of what is usually thought in reference to our conservative Christianity. Now, I am conservative and I believe the Scriptures -- but what I see is a church world ready to right all wrongs, especially on the politically "right" side -- but non-Biblical thinking processes dominate. I am speaking in reference to our attitude toward those who differ with us, even on key issues; abortion, gay marriage, removing the Ten Commandments from public places, public school prayer, and on and on the list goes. Now while I do not like the path our nation is presently taking on these issues, there is something far more important to the Christian than these issues getting solved politically.

The way we respond and behave toward those who differ with us is a key. The following quote is from a fellow blogger, Peter Kirk on Gentle Wisdom. While I never agree wholly with any other blogger, his thoughts, especially in these two paragraphs, speak what we need to hear.
It is right for us to be sad when we see such things, and for them to drive us to prayer. And sometimes it is right to speak out for truth and righteousness. But when instead we take offence and start complaining in a judgmental way, in fact we harm the cause of Christ, in the same way that Calvin did when he presided over a legalistic state in Geneva. This is true whether our offence is over the Pledge of Allegiance, over bad things we see in society, or over what some blogger has written.
How is this harmful? We give outsiders the false idea that Christianity is all about keeping rules and saying the right words. We make them feel condemned rather than loved by God. Instead of attracting them with the true gospel message, we repel them and cause them to reject any Christian faith that they might have. In short, we do great damage to the Kingdom of God.
Our hearts and our expressions of that heart must be in line with the love of the Holy Spirit expressed in and through the Word. This is also true when we begin to criticize our government officials. What the word says is clear, "...The only thing that matters is faith working through love." (Gal. 5:6b) NIV


Thomas B Clarke said…
Iris - You hit home when you gave that warning about criticizing our government officials. I fall into that way too easily, so this is a great warning.
Iris Godfrey said…
We all need reminders, Tom. Thank you for your encouragement. For some reason, the Lord has increased my sensitivity about this issue. That is good; I just have to be cautious not to let it become a "soapbox."
Peter Kirk said…
Thanks for the link, which I just found.

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