As To The Rest . . .

"Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you." Philippians 3:1 TNIV
I have chosen another translation for our passage this morning, as this one more accurately says what the original Greek relates. Most other translations read "Finally...". The meaning is not "finally" as he is only in the middle of the letter to these people. It means, "As to the rest" or "further." He has a few more things on his heart to write. Then he begins a related but separate topic. 

Paul uses this writing technique often in his letters. It is a "hinge" verse, relating to what has gone before and what is coming later. In this case the before related verse is 2:29 "Welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him,..."and the after verse is 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again rejoice." The data between these statements is another thought entirely. But this verse (3:1) is a hinge into the thought of having an attitude of constant rejoicing which he will return to and complete later in chapter 4. 

The word "rejoice" is a form of the word "grace" in Greek. This form does mean "rejoice" - to be filled with the joy that grace brings. Joy is not what we call happiness. Biblically speaking - joy is an empowerment in grace to live in all the benefits of salvation. I refer you to Isaiah 12:3 "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." Literally from the "springs" of salvation. It is the overriding attitude of joy (power to handle) that pervades a person who knows they are always cared for and always loved. It is not an asking for, but a participation in the power given to all Christians. So as he encourages this attitude, he then begins to work with some rather personal, emotional journeys. These are difficult and imperative as we learn to live as a recipient of the grace and power of God. More tomorrow, Lord willing. 


marie said…
The LORD is always willing!! Thank you Jesus as I rejoice in your perfect will.

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