Making Sense out of Leviticus #4

Today's Reading: Leviticus 6-7.

Today's reading gives additional information regarding the Guilt (or Trespass) Offering, The Burnt Offering, The Grain Offering, The Sin Offering, then back to the Guilt and the Fellowship Offering. In addition it includes renewed commandments on not eating fat, and explaining somewhat the priest's share in the offerings.

As we ponder these Offerings, I think it would be helpful to look back and see that our Lord left nothing out. Everything was provided for in the series of 5 offerings. Every offense, sin, mis-speak etc... is made provision for. I am reminded to the passage in Hebrews 9 about Christ's sacrifice being effective one time for all sin. What an awesome reality! Each of these OT offerings were pictures, or visual aids, to help us understand the total and completed work of Jesus Christ. It was an amazing visual aid. These are called "shadows" in the NT because they did not do the work of Christ, they only gave a shadow of the work completed in the mind and heart of the Father, prior to the foundation of the world.

I mentioned the Salt Covenant a day or so ago. This is first mentioned in Numbers 18:19, "Whatever is set aside from the holy offerings the Israelites present to the Lord I give to you and your sons and daughters as your perpetual share. It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord for both you and your off-spring." This is spoken to the priest who were serving at the altar. If we read its context, we find that the Lord was promising them that as along as they gave Him what He asked on the altar, they would always have plenty. Their prosperity was based on their obedience to His heart about the offerings. The Covenant of Salt is also mentioned in reference to David regarding the eternal Throne of God. So we have a covenant of preservation for those who serve. This is worth some thought and meditation. (David's style - thinking on the Word, over and over and over again).

Now the offerings have been explained including their purpose and just how it was to be done. So now the Lord begins to explain some other items to us. See you tomorrow.

Tomorrow's reading: Leviticus 8-9


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