Numbers+ #3

Reading: Numbers 5-6, Romans 3, Psalm 80.

I missed writing here yesterday. My apologies for that. Every now and again I will have a day I have to miss. This coming Saturday will be such a day. I get my reading and time with the Lord, but do not get the extra time to write. So thank you for understanding and continuing to read with me. I will write two today, but only one this morning. It will have to be later for me to do the one for today. The Lord is so very good to allow me, at this point in my life, to have such times. Busy is good: Good for the Lord, good for the ministry, good for me!

These two chapters in Numbers are not difficult. The cover a number of topics and instructions. Allow me to point out a supernatural item. The uncomfortable passage with the husband (chapter 6) who has a "spirit of jealousy" and brings his wife to the priest. You will notice that the woman who has no fault in the matter is never harmed by the action of drinking the concoction given by the priest. However, if she is guilty of adultery, then the curse will come and her health will suffer. As we progress through the Old Testament, there will be opportunity to see and understand the flowing of the supernatural. This is one of those times.

Of course, as a woman, my thoughts immediately go to what about the husband??? Oh well, the culture then (thousands of years ago) was not always favorable to women. So we do not read into their culture what would be required in ours. Remember that as you read all through the Scriptures. The Lord address the people in their understanding and in their culture.

Romans 3 is wonderful! It basically tells us that all are guilty, for "all have sinned." Therefore, the God and Father of us all has taken action and provided righteousness for us through His own action in Jesus Christ - regardless of our nationality, or culture. What an absolutely wonderful chapter!

Psalm 80, likewise is good for our hearts. It is a cry from the Psalmist for the Lord to intervene in the life of the people of Israel. I love how it begins, "Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel...." The Psalm is particularly poignant in the KJV.

I pray you are enjoying with me the preciousness of the Word, and finding that it is really not difficult to read and allow the Lord to teach us His own heart in His own way. We do not need to force Him into teaching using us. He does that at times, but His Word is the essence of His person. So as we receive our Lord, we must therefore find a way to receive His word. I urge you to read a translation/version that you can understand. I used the KJV as a child and young person, so I often return to be blessed with its familiar words. You use what is best for you and Him. That, after all, is what all of life is about! Enjoy your day.

The reading for today - I will write about it later in the day: Numbers 7-8, Romans 4, and Psalm 81.


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