Numbers + #2
Today's reading: Numbers 3-4, Romans 2, Psalm 79.
These two chapters in Numbers continue with the outline of the organization of God as the children of Israel, now 2-3 million strong are about to set out on their journey. In order for a family (or even me by myself) to travel it is imperative to do a bit of organization. I am especially aware of the clothing needs that must be thought through and the food needs etc... Well, the Lord is far ahead of them all, and He is outlining a way of "marching" through together than is a masterpiece of organization. In these two chapters, he concentrating on the Levities and their responsibilities before leaving a location.
In Chapter 3 the Lord instructs the order of their camp and their jobs as they move. The three sons of Levi - Gershon, Kohath and Merari are assigned living locations. They were to take care of the Tabernacle and all its furniture and furnishings. Moses was instructed to count them.
Gershon was counted first then they were assigned to live on the west, behind the Tabernacle. They had the responsibility of the care of the tabernacle and tent and all the fabric pieces, with the exception of the veil. Everything else in fabric form was to be cared for by the Gerishonites.
Next the tribe of Kohath was counted. They were assigned to live on the south side of the Tabernacle and had the care of all the furniture associated with the Tabernacle, and the veil. Then the tribe of Merari was counted and assigned to live on the north side of the Tabernacle. They were responsible for the frames of the the Tabernacle and everything else related to their use, all the bases, ropes, tent pegs, etc...
Moses and Aaron and their sons were to live on the east side of the Tabernacle, right in front of the Tent of Meeting. All the sons of Levi counted at the Lord's command (numbered from one month old) were 22,000. The remainder of the chapter is the process of "redemption" of all the Levites instead of the firstborn when they left Egypt, and the money used instead of people for the right number. It is interesting reading, and is tied intrinsically to the redemptive process of the first born. Of course, these matters are all shadows of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 2 continues from Chapter 1 where all the nations are referred to as those who do not seek God and behave in sinful ways. Here in Chapter 2 the Holy Spirit shines the light on the "religious" people who think they are O.K. because of their natural lineage. One of the key points is verses 28-29, "A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God." This chapter is also a bit hard on us, but these chapters set the stage to understand chapter 3. We will read that tomorrow.
Psalm 79 is one of those Psalms that we may grow uncomfortable with as we read. The author is crying out to God for vengeance on those who have wronged Israel. As we open to see here, our hearts are warmed with someone who was willing to bare their emotions for us to see. We become comforted that such strong language and feeling was not only allowed in prayer, for this Psalm is a prayer, but encouraged. It was an honest response to hurt. We, of course, would call for mercy and help for our enemies, but they lived in a different age. It is enough to know our God is not adversed to strong emotion being expressed and felt.
Keep reading with me.
Tomorrow's reading: Numbers 5-6, Romans 3, Psalm 80.